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  • Gift Presentation

    Fri 11 Dec 2020 G. Miller

    Miss Dawson presents Beth with a special gift.

    Today, I had the pleasure of presenting Beth Miller Y4JJ with a lovely gift from Mr Robin Newton MLA for her beautiful Christmas card design for him this year.  You have made us all so very proud being chosen to represent our school on Mr Newton’s card and we know it will bring joy to all who receive if from him.  Enjoy spending your gift, Beth!

  • Head Teacher's Award

    Fri 11 Dec 2020 G. Miller

    Miss Dawson presents Ellie with a special award,

    It was a privilege to present Ellie Y4JJ with one of my very special ‘Head Teacher’s Award’ badges today.  Ellie is such a responsible young lady with a smile that lights up our school.  Last week, when I was filming for our Virtual Tour, she just lightened the whole moment for me with her humour and ability to make me laugh and she is the main reason that the opening part of our video shows a very happy and relaxed me – I was indebted to her.  She is also the most AMAZING big sister! I am delighted and privileged that Ellie is a Braniel pupil and am so very proud of her.  I know her Mum and Dad so very proud of her too!


  • Head Teacher's Award

    Fri 11 Dec 2020 G. Miller

    Miss Dawson presents Charlie with a special award.

    It was a privilege to present Charlie Y7RS with one of my very special ‘Head Teacher’s Award’ badges today.  Charlie continually impresses me with his impeccable manners and how polite and respectful he is in all his interactions with everyone in our school.  He is reliable, kind, respectful and shows exemplary behaviour in school.  It was so wonderful to see his peers applaud him and clap him on the back yesterday and say ‘Well Done’ when I told him of the award and why – that shows how well liked and respected he is with both peers and staff.  He has matured into such a wonderful young man and I know his parents are very proud of him – he is a credit to you.  I am so very proud of him too.

  • December Pupils of the Month

    Thu 10 Dec 2020 G Miller
    Well done to our December Pupils of the Month, we are so proud of all of you!
  • Newsletter - December 8th, 2020

    Wed 09 Dec 2020
  • Class of the Week

    Wed 09 Dec 2020 G.Miller

    Congratulations to our new Class of the week, Year 7 Poole. They have been tackling the problem of dog fouling on the footpaths locally as it impacts our enjoyment of the Daily Mile. They wrote an email to Belfast City Council and local Councillors and were delighted to hear back from several of them. A meeting has been arranged for next week to discuss solutions to the problem.


    Well done for being such responsible citizens!


    Mrs Miller

  • Online Admissions Portal

    Wed 02 Dec 2020
    Nursery and Year 1 online admissions portal will open on 7th January and close on 29th January for applications for the academic year commencing September 2021.  Further information on the process will be available on the EA website from 18th December.